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  • Jornal Online

    Arquivo: Edição de 24-04-2013

    SECÇÃO: Tecnologias

    AVE 904-C

    Distros em linha...

    Esta semana o site dedicado às distribuições de software livre Distrowatch anunciou o lançamento das seguintes distros: Red Flag Linux 8.0, Fedora 19 Alpha, FreeBSD 8.4-RC2, Mageia 3 RC, Calculate Linux 13.4, Scientific Linux 6.4 "Live", Manjaro Linux 0.8.5, ROSA 2012 RP2 "Enterprise Desktop", Elive 2.1.37 (Unstable) e OpenELEC 3.0.1. Uma nova distribuição foi adicionada à base de dados oficial da Distrowatch, Ubuntu GNOME, enquanto uma outra entrou para a lista de espera, Paladin.


    Red Flag Software, a Beijing, China-based software company specialising in the development of open-source software products for the local market, has announced the release Red Flag Linux 8.0. This is the company's first major release in over four years. Some of the new features include: Linux kernel 3.6.11 with additional hardware drivers and enhanced wireless network cards support; incorporation of Fedora's systemd service manager; a customised KDE 4.10 desktop; new theme for the GRUB splash screen and the KDE desktop; a brand-new and simplified system installer; new Red Flag Software Centre with better software installation interface; new "Firstconfig" feature which includes an option to choose the preferred language; Google Chromium as the new default web browser.... Read the press release and visit the download page (both links in Chinese) for more information and technical details. Get the live DVD image from here (the distribution supports English as well as Simplified Chinese): RedFlagin_WiseV8.0.iso (1,806MB, MD5).


    Dennis Gilmore has announced the alpha release of Fedora 19, the first development build of the popular Red Hat-sponsored Linux distribution: "The Fedora 19 'Schrödinger's Cat' alpha release has arrived with a preview of the latest fantastic, free, and open-source technology currently under development." Some of the more interesting features of this release include: "Developer's Assistant - a tool that helps you to get started on a code project with templates, samples and toolchains for the languages of your choice; Syslinux optional boot tool integration brings simplified booting; systemd Resource Control lets you modify service settings without a reboot; GNOME 3.8; KDE Plasma Workspaces 4.10, MATE Desktop 1.6..." Read the full release announcement for more details. Download (torrents, SHA256): Fedora-Live-Desktop-x86_64-19-Alpha-1.iso (997MB, torrent), Fedora-Live-KDE-x86_64-19-Alpha-1.iso (888MB, torrent), Fedora-Live-XFCE-x86_64-19-Alpha-1.iso (755MB, torrent).

    FREEBSD 8.4-RC2

    Glen Barber has announced the availability of the second release candidate for FreeBSD 8.4, the upcoming new stable version of the project's legacy branch: "The second RC build of the 8.4-RELEASE release cycle is now available on the FTP servers for the amd64, i386, and pc98 architectures. If you notice problems you can report them through the normal GNATS PR system or here on the 'stable' mailing list. If you would like to use SVN to do a source based update of an existing system use 'releng/8.4'. If you would like to use csup/cvsup mechanisms instead the branch tag to use is 'RELENG_8_4'. Please be aware that cvsup and CVS are both deprecated, and while upgrades using CVS or cvsup may work now they will not be supported for security updates through the life of 8.4." Here is the brief release announcement. Download: FreeBSD-8.4-RC2-amd64-dvd1.iso (2,626MB, SHA256), FreeBSD-8.4-RC2-i386-dvd1.iso (2,147MB, SHA256).


    Anne Nicolas has announced that the only release candidate and the final development build for Mageia 3 is now ready for testing: "We are now two weeks from the end of the trip (at least we hope we will have no delay). Mageia 3 release candidate is now available for the very final tests. We need your feedback more than ever. The Mageia team is working hard to fix the last annoying bugs - what we call release-critical bugs. How do we qualify a release-critical one? All the bugs that cannot be fixed through updates, mainly in the installer, the kernel and some of the main drivers. As with the beta 4, live ISO images are still in progress and should be released in the coming days." Mageia 3 RC ships with the latest Linux kernel, version 3.8.8, and includes RPM 4.11, systemd 195, KDE 4.10.2, GNOME 3.6.3 and LibreOffice 4.0.2. See the brief release announcement and the detailed release notes for more information. Download the installation DVD image from here: Mageia-3-RC-x86_64-DVD.iso (3,865MB, MD5). The final release of Mageia 3 is scheduled for 3 May 2013.


    Alexander Tratsevskiy has announced the release of Calculate Linux 13.4, a Gentoo-based distribution for desktops (with KDE, GNOME 2 or Xfce), servers and media centres. The biggest news is the removal of GNOME 3 and the assertion that GNOME will no longer be supported in future Calculate releases. From the release announcement: "We are proud to announce the final release of Calculate Linux 13.4. Main changes: UEFI support added on 64-bit systems; hibernation is TuxOnIce by default; BFQ I/O scheduler supported; Calculate Utilities can now backup configuration files; the installer provides more advanced auto-partitioning options; networked Linux clients should now boot faster when the network is down; the IRC client in CLDG and CLDX is HexChat instead of XChat; CLD now uses GParted as the GUI partition manager...." Download links: cld-13.4-x86_64.iso (KDE, 2,268MB, MD5, torrent), cldg-13.4-x86_64.iso (GNOME 2, 1,730MB, MD5, torrent), cldx-13.4-x86_64.iso (Xfce, 1,644MB, MD5, torrent), cmc-13.4-x86_64.iso (Media Centre, 1,133MB, MD5, torrent).


    Urs Beyerle has announced the availability of live CD and DVD images with the recently released Scientific Linux 6.4: "Scientific Linux 6.4 LiveCD, LiveMiniCD and LiveDVD are officially released. They are available for 32-bit and 64-bit systems and come with following window managers: LiveMiniCD - IceWM, LiveCD - GNOME, LiveDVD - GNOME, KDE, IceWM. Software was added from RPMForge, EPEL and ELRepo to include additional file system support (NTFS, ReiserFS), secure network connection (OpenVPN, VPNC, PPTP), file system tools (dd_rescue, ddrescue, GParted, gDisk), and better multimedia support (GStreamer, FFmpeg, Flash plugin). Software: Linux kernel 2.6.32, X.Org Server 1.13.0, GNOME 2.28, Firefox 17.0.5, IceWM 1.2.37, LibreOffice 3.4.5, KDE 4.3.4." More details in the release announcement. Download (SHA256): SL-64-x86_64-LiveCD.iso (695MB), SL-64-x86_64-LiveDVD.iso (2,348MB), SL-64-x86_64-LiveMiniCD.iso (496MB).


    The Manjaro development team has announced the release of three community editions of Manjaro Linux 0.8.5, featuring the MATE, LXDE and KDE desktop environments: "We are happy to announce three new Manjaro community editions featuring MATE 1.6, LXDE 0.5.5 and KDE 4.10.2. The community editions of Manjaro Linux are released as bonus flavours in addition to those officially supported and maintained by the Manjaro team, provided that the time and resources necessary are available to do so. Yusuf and Cumali from Manjaro Turkey released Manjaro KDE 2013.04 based on Manjaro stable repositories. It features the brand new KDE SC 4.10.2 point release." Read the full release announcement for more information and screenshots. Download links: manjaro-mate-0.8-r13-0417-x86_64.iso (1,090MB, SHA1), manjaro-lxde-0.8.5-x86_64.iso (1,099MB, SHA1), manjaro-kde-0.8.5-x86_64.iso (2,142MB, SHA1).


    Konstantin Kochereshkin has announced the availability of an updated release of ROSA 2012 "Enterprise Desktop" edition, code name "Marathon" and supported with security updates for five years. From the release announcement: "ROSA is pleased to announce the second update pack for ROSA Marathon 2012 operating system with an extended (5 years) period of technical support. The pack includes the up-to-date (as of April 2013) versions of applications as well as critical security fixes and updated kernel with extended hardware support. Also, we have re-branded this update pack, which is now called ROSA Enterprise Desktop X1. 'Marathon' is kept as a short code name synonym for the enterprise desktop product line. Marathon RP 2 contains most important backports from ROSA Desktop Fresh development branch that proved to be reliable and stable." Download: ROSA.MARATHON.X1.EE.x86_64.iso (1,489MB, MD5, torrent).

    ELIVE 2.1.37 (UNSTABLE)

    Samuel Baggen has released a new development build of Elive, version 2.1.37, a desktop Linux distribution integrating the lightweight Enlightenment window manager with the "testing" branch of Debian GNU/Linux: "The Elive team is proud to announce the release of development version 2.1.37. This version includes some miscellaneous new features like: automatic language and time zone configurations based on your physical location; Enlightenment updated to the new released version with lots of bug fixes; Enlightenment improvements in the automated positioning of windows in the desktop; suspend ready; fixed an important bug in the Enlightenment menus; fixed a bug with Intel cards when the screen is blanking. We appreciate your feedback about the overall speed and lightness of the system compared to last stable version of Elive." See the full release announcement for more information. Download: elive_2.1.37_alpha_hybrid.iso (1,381MB, MD5).

    OPENELEC 3.0.1

    Stephan Raue has announced the release of OpenELEC 3.0.1, an updated version of the specialist Linux distribution built around XBMC, the open-source entertainment media hub: "The OpenELEC team is proud to release OpenELEC 3.0.1. Changelog: update to XBMC 12.1.6 (XBMC Frodo 12.1 with many bug fixes which will be released with the upcoming XBMC Frodo 12.2), this includes various fixes for Audio Engine, Raspberry Pi and other; update RPi patches; update to Boost 1_53_0; update to DVB firmware 0.0.33; update to alsa-lib 1.0.27; update to GCC 4.7.3; update to systemd 200; added support for TechniSat SkyStar S2 card with CX24120-13Z front-end; XBMC - readd Hi10p patches; Linux kernel - add ALSA upstream patches, backported from 3.8.7; Linux kernel add network related upstream patches, backported from 3.8.7; fix for issue #1987, the problem exists in the jmicron source...." Here is the full release announcement. Please check the project's download page for a full list of available builds; here is a quick link to the "generic" image: OpenELEC-Generic.i386-3.0.1.tar.bz2 (163MB).

    Novas distribuições


    Ubuntu GNOME (anteriormente designada Ubuntu GNOME Remix) é agora uma variante oficial do Ubuntu, distribuída com ambiente de desktop GNOME. Trata-se de uma distribuição sobretudo baseada num ambiente puramente GNOME, e construída a partir dos repositórios Ubuntu. Imagem beta-2 DVD .iso para 64 bits (946MB) e para 32 bits (962MB).


    PALADIN é uma distribução live baseada em Ubuntu, criada com o propósito de simplificar o processo de criação de diagnóstico de uma forma sonora, gráfica e mais confortável. Imagem DVD .iso (1,33 GB).


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